I’ve wanted to upgrade my condo to wood flooring in the living/dining room. I’m on the second floor. The problem is the kitchen and foyer were already in wood in an open floor plan.
1st problem – all the wood flooring people who’ve looked at the place states that it would be better to re-do the kitchen and foyer to get a proper alignment for the living/dining room.
The sub floor is obviously gypcrete and the folks laying the wood floors used a cork board under the wood floor and I’m assuming they glued everything down.
My issues are
1) how to remove the flooring without destroying the subfloor.
2) if some of the sub floor gets destroyed how best to patch or replace it – most cost effectively?
3) what’s the best substrate to put down for the wood floors on gypcrete?
4) can I put a 1/4″ concrete board over the gypcrete (as I’ve read somewhere)?
5) Would that work and does it make sense?
To remove the flooring without damaging the subfloor, use a pry bar and go slowly. If the cork adhesive is tough, a heat gun might help.
If the subfloor gets damaged, patch it with a self-levelling compound or replace sections with new gypcrete.
For wood floors on gypcrete, use a moisture barrier and a suitable underlayment like cork or foam.
Yes, you can put a 1/4″ concrete board over gypcrete.
It makes sense if it’s done properly, as it can provide a stable base for your wood flooring.