Zone Perfect two zone controller problems
I have a two zone controller made by Zone Perfect. It is two years old and broke. Warrenty is a whopping 1 year. I live above Sacramento and this unit is only used during the summer months. I usually set the thermo. to 79-80 degrees. This unit has not seen a lot of action! $550-600 to R/R. Has anyone else had problems with this company and their products? Was this just a fluke or is this brand a piece of crap? Suggestions for other reliable zone controllers for HVAC?
I suspect that your basic zone controllers are all pretty much similar (a small computer chip, a bit of logic, and some relays), and run about the same price with the same features and the same failure modes -- it's not rocket science.
If you have, say, a 3-zone controller but are only using 2 zones it may be that you can just switch a failing zone to the unused terminals or some such -- depends on what precisely has failed.
We have an EWC unit that's 4-5 years old. Can't say that it's good or bad -- it's worked so far.
Something like that can be repaired generally by someone who knows electronics. A relay may be stuck, or a transistor failed etc. I work on that sort of stuff very frequently at work.
I would contact the company first and see if they offer a exchange service.