Splices on baseboards smaller than 2-1⁄2 in. in height do not need to be located over a wall stud as they can be nailed adequately into the bottom wall plate. On anything higher, however, you should center the splice joint on a wall stud. Start by locating and marking on the wall the location of the stud where the joint will be. Measure the length of the first piece and cut a 30-degree miter with the face of the miter showing on the end of the piece. Center the miter on the stud location and nail it to the wall ❶. Measure the length of the second piece and cut a matching 30-degree angle on the adjoining end. Apply glue to the miters before installing ❷. Nail the second piece of base to the wall through the miter, placing one nail into the plate and another into the wall stud ❸.
1. Nail first piece with 30-degree angle cut on end into stud.

Tipped Baseboard

Excerpted from Trim Complete: Expert advice from start to finish by Greg Kossow
Available in the Taunton Store and at Amazon.com.