Insulating behind a brick wall?
I audited a brick house this week. There’s no insulation in the walls. The customer doesn’t want to blow from the inside (b/c the inside walls are papered and they’re concerned about how the finishes will look).
What are the options of insulating a brick building from the outside?
How big of a hole do foam installers need to fill a wall cavity? I’m wondering if it’s possible to drill 1/2 inch holes between bricks and get into the wall cavity. Also, has anyone tried installing closed cell foam insulation in the 1 inch air gap between the brick and wood frame wall?
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I own a brick house built in 1949. The outer walls are old brick and mortar with wood framing and an early version of drywall mounted horizontally in 2 ft strips, then plastered.
I don't have any insulation in the wall cavities. How and with what do I insulate it and also manage not to create a moisture