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Discussion Forum
- Chicken or egg q
- What type heater
- cracking bricks
- Request info Shower Trench Drain
- Tiling questions
- Drive time – who pays
- New Mattresses smell MOLDY
- Sidewalk cost
- SIPs vs Stick built. fiberglas walls .
- Economical Solar House Plans?
- New Formica on old
- warping frame and panel doors
- Any metallurgists onboard?
- repairing laminate flooring possible?
- estimate for custom cabinets
- How does a drain tile work?
- Professional Trade Org’s??
- stringer layout for ext. closed stair
- Another bouncy floor question
- How does the Azek look?
- icynene insulation
- Repairing Cinder Block Wall
- Wood floor over Radiant w/Quiktrak
- Estimating guide book?
- Framer accountability
- What have you done to please the DW
- Dealing with stucco exterior walls.
- Truck and tool expenses revisited.
- Icynene, Roof Venting and Shingle Damage
- Yes, Another bouncy floor question
- Building Permit time
- McMansion Transformation
- Anybody seen this plastic stone?
- clothes dryer duct length too long?
- what screw gun is best?