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Discussion Forum
- Small router. Bosch “Colt” anyone?
- Wood Pellet Stoves and Boilers
- PATCHING – hole in stucco
- Additional insulation, 50 year old house
- Stiffer walls
- Oil Heat First Time
- West Marine – check your reciept!
- wood floor over radiant heat
- drilling floor joists
- Bosch 1677 Worm Saw heat
- paster mixer/cement mixer?
- What Would You Do?
- pocket doors
- Would You Do it?
- A silly little insulation question
- Found dirty spots on drywall
- Need barrior when using insul-siding?
- Casement or Glider
- Stove pipe & Copper roof
- Replacing rafter tails
- Bad shower tile job
- masonite siding
- Romex in metal studs
- Losing heat out of bathroom vent
- Remodeling Software.
- Concrete basement floor slope
- Anyone make dual-heating water tank?
- Am I screwed?
- Do I want my check back??
- fireplace grate blower
- Toilet Fange Repair
- tile floor
- Ohio hauling legality question
- grandpa’s tools
- Missing roof support
- double pane windows foggin up inside
- sheet metal shear
- scissor lift to install sheathing/siding
- Backwired outlet tool
- gypsum sheathing and aluminum faced ply
- repairing a small part of a shingle roof
- Joining drain vents
- Fuel Oil Pirce Comparison Website
- epoxy thinset