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- Trex heating and bending
- Show House
- Which Cordless Nailer to Buy
- arched window casing.. how???
- harley and vette for sale
- How to span 40′ without LB wall under it
- Home Theater et al
- vette & harley wichita
- Clothes Washer: The Linting
- built-in finishing
- Ridge vent vs gable vent
- Portable Bandsaws
- what kind of insulation
- Flashing for electrical mast penetration
- Intermediate buttjoints in running trim
- cork flooring
- CUTTING LIMESTONE for egress window
- scared about framing mistake
- concrete – to tamp or not to tamp?
- electronics
- need window trim suggestions
- Electric radiant floors…suggestions
- tar&stone roof
- GOODBYE Dewalt…
- tar and stoneroof
- Ceiling Fan Wiring
- insluating forced air ducts
- Savings from building w/ own timber?
- 2005 tacoma lumber rack
- Space required for double bathroom sink?
- Baseboard hot water heat question
- Size of Notched trowel
- My boy’s treehouse
- Friends and Business
- Insulation Between Joist and Chimney
- Plumbing Question: Bowl tests
- exterior stain
- drywall on the ceiling
- random orbit sander info
- beltless bag systems
- Concrete Steps
- handling joints on built-up beam