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Discussion Forum
- adjusting a compound miterbox
- Service panel safety
- Retrofitting anchors – how deep?
- Roof cantilever distances
- Releasing Back-wired Wires
- Alumionum wire
- Deck screws
- Programmable thermostat, fan control
- Solid Surface Shower Pan Detail
- Indoor Air Handler Tripping Breaker
- How cold is too cold?
- Using both forced air and radiant
- Back cover question
- Dry Wall Backers – what really works?
- Help, we lack style.
- I read home design magazines:
- How hot is too hot
- question about dry traps (very exciting)
- Laminate supplier?
- trim for emerald cans
- Tung Oil VS Danish Oil
- IPE vs Mataverde, Ironwoods, Pau Lope
- Haun’s? Winder stair “formula”?
- Sealing MDF work bench
- double vapor barrier???
- hearth dimensions
- Insulating & Wood Siding
- Cutting Drywall Around Electrical Boxes
- Adhisive, laminate on a verticle surface
- Weatherstripping Dutch Doors
- Dripping bathroom fan
- Niagara brand toilet
- Insulation levels in crawlspace?
- Concrete Experts?
- source for plywood
- T-shirts
- Talk about a pipe dream!
- condensation at the threshold
- Rafter Layout Question
- watts to amps. conversion
- Underslab Insulation w/ Radiant