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Discussion Forum
- Rare find..yippee
- new flooring for an old Cape Cod cottage
- bryant gas heat died at 3:00am
- Cat D10……BIG enough ??
- steam boiler leaking?
- Playground Design
- gas or elecrtric dryer
- New doors and jambs for plaster walls.
- Drain washer directly into main line?
- Bath Exhaust Fan Fix Advice
- Is this worth the price
- Shellac based primer brush cleanup
- Had enough
- Tip your delivery guy?
- Advice sought on Residential Street Ligh
- floor sander/ house fire
- Rigid Foam In Exterior Wall
- Ceramic over 12″ vinyl tiles on slab?
- rigid insulation and fire code
- Historic Renovation Energy Inefficency
- CFM of Dryer exhaust?
- melamine 5/8 or 3/4?
- Safety
- Palm Nailer for Roofing Nails?
- What do you think?
- Advice on Macerating Toilets
- Built up crown moulding
- In-floor/wood boiler compatibility
- Good Deal Alert.
- “circular saw showdown” issue # ?
- YIKES! Great balls of fire!
- leveling a sill under a patio door