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Discussion Forum
- Wood floor materials
- Low voltage wiring suggestion
- Ugly Houses
- drum set for sale
- How Do I Cut a Steel Door?
- Anybody got the portable Jet TS?
- Stuccato Siding Gone Mouldy
- sustainable or green decks ?
- Porch decking alternatives
- Hanging kitchen cabinets
- CONCRETE FOOTINGS – cutting through?
- Cedar Roof Shingles
- Revolution Gemini Ring Tile Saw
- The simplest free standing chimney
- Help me trim these stairs
- Clearance between chimney and insulation
- framing detail on a flat roof porch
- Another kid toy from scrap
- Radiant Floor compatibility question
- Interior trim, mix and match, or not?
- Glueing down floorboards
- Whazzat??
- compound miter saw 27 lbs or under