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Discussion Forum
- Replacing Gable End Wall
- Dog Proof Decking
- Biscuit Joining door casing
- Refunding Proposal Fee????
- When do we get them?
- Your thoughts on Green Building
- Ceiling design help needed
- Drywall j-trim
- Blueprints
- Repair cut scissor truss
- Stone veneer – best practices?
- Framing: Square vs. Plumb vs. Level
- Layers on low slope roof
- Flat File Cabinets For Sale
- Replacing Gable End Wall
- paint problem in bathroom
- Introduction
- Need a poem about building a house
- Insulating the walls of a crawl space.
- How “Unethical” is this?
- Toe Kick Diffuser Question
- longest hose off of an air compressor…
- leaded windows, with new casements
- Guard Dogs!!
- Radiant heat basics?
- Tiling over an Existing floor
- Need reliable outdoor light timer switch
- Pre-Drywall Checklist
- How do insects get in?
- Gear Drive Sprinklers
- Hey David Doud………
- great bits
- Auditing the Energy Auditor