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Discussion Forum
- service panel in the bathroom?
- Does an attic need to be ventilated?
- Gluing plywood to steel door?
- Special Hinge Requirement
- New Cable Requirements
- thremostat question
- Interstate Migration
- Pine Floor Expansion
- insulating behind plaster walls
- Schluter Systems /Electrci floor heat
- Roof sheathing condenstaion
- working 100% solo
- Werzalit vs. Cedarmill?
- Roof on bay window looks lumpy
- **Real Fake Stone **
- Heat pump or Furnace in attic?
- Is a basement even possible?
- Roof leak hazard?
- This can’t be good either
- Electrical Subpanel Near Sink??
- Thermal image
- Finished ceiling
- Connecting PVC for Bath fan
- How do I stretch carpet?
- ICF info
- ? on a owner /GC’s site responsibilities
- photo sharing sites
- Shark bite fittings question
- Metal Stud and Moldings
- woodglue in cold weather
- wiring for future cabinets
- height of vanity countertop
- kitchen soffit construction
- air sealing detail for basement slab
- Anybody have an outdoor wood furnace?