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- 1960’s Bi-levels
- Bridge Over Troubled Water
- Attic Insulation question
- What kind of Brake is this?
- Rain screen, solo siding question
- Need Paint Help
- Kitchen Cabinet install
- cedar T&G panelling
- lightweight concrete
- resurfacing part of hardwood floor
- Seat Cut of Birds Mouth.
- High stress on tub install
- Use your leg as a sawhorse?
- building a portable signboard
- Deck help Please
- Myspace site VS. Web Site
- 1-A-Day Basement Window Redo
- Toilet Flange Connection??
- Yankee Gutters
- propane too expensive
- Fine cuts in tile – 1″ diamond blade?
- bad three way switches?
- Inside vs. outside oil tank?
- Help arranging my roof sandwich!
- Breaktime on Breaktime