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Discussion Forum
- freezing septic pipe
- Instructions for pole barn siding
- got my stone edge grinder today
- Refacing concrete stairs
- PSA. never weld in Crocs
- Done with Remingtons, what’s next?
- Deep RO / Best Practise
- Drywall “nailer” and VB question
- TurboShear-FC Siding air shears
- refacing concrete wall
- Shower Fix needed
- basement bathroom
- Stanley #30, Kapex & a better verison
- Finishing windows
- Very cool batteries
- Face Frames in a Niche
- sand painted roller trails?
- exterior door ?’s
- Rainscreen Theory and Details
- Exterminating Bees
- swinging bookshelves
- Install of a 66 Block for phones??
- Mixing roof shingle types
- d grade ply on exterior wall central bc
- Plumb the corners.
- Interesting Shop-Made Vacuum Bag
- Seal Coat Sanding Sealer
- Screwing shed to ground
- HD Story with Favorable Ending
- Toilet help in old house
- Honey, I think theres a leak
- Anything wrong with this layout?????
- What’s under the shower floor?
- Calcium in my pipes
- new Cdn building code & rain screens
- Mind in the gutter.