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- Tailgate: Viviane Peixoto, Lumber Importer
- Improvised drill-bit extension
- Portable-tablesaw enhancements
- Simplest door buck ever
- Energy-Saving Lightbulbs
- Buttoned Up for a New Century
- Energy-Modeling Software: Is It Worth Your Time and Money?
- Sunroom sanctuary
- Hiding ducts in conditioned space
- Bending Copper Chimney Flashing
- Choosing Gutters
- Is There Any Alternative to Roof Gutters?
- An Old-School Path to a Barrier-Free Bathroom
- Design a Classic Fireplace Mantel
- Time-Tested Approach to Chimney Flashing
- Are Spread-Base Deck Footings Worth the Effort?
- Tinting Mortar
- Door-Painting Rack
- Emergency Grinder Wrench
- Tips for Laying a Better Walkway
- How it Works: Frost Heave
- Tool Belt Pouch Organization
- A Simple, Ergonomic Push Stick
- Retrofitting French Doors
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