Site Map
- Adding a Skirtboard to a Deck
- Adding Deck Fascia
- Renewing a Deck
- Installing Deck Railing Posts
- Multi-Feature Curved Deck: Installing Railing Posts and Skirting
- Multi-Feature Curved Deck: Decking
- Multi-Feature Curved Deck: Building the Stairs
- Building a Pergola: Prepare and Install the Slats
- Securing Deck Stair Treads
- Boxes Instead of Stringers
- A Complete Guide to Building Your Own Deck
- Laying Out the Deck Stair Stringers
- Building a Pergola: Install the Joists and Cut Off the Posts
- Building a Pergola: Install the Beams
- Building a Pergola: Prepare and Install the Posts
- Multi-Feature Curved Deck: Introduction
- Building a Privacy Screen
- Benches and Planters
- Installing an Aluminum Railing
- Installing a Cable-Rail System
- Laying Out and Cutting the Stringers
- Installing Deck Stringers
- Framing the Stairs for an Elevated Deck
- Building Stairs for a Radiused Deck
- Building and Installing a Site-Built Balustrade: Assembling the Balustrade
- Multi-Feature Curved Deck: Installing a Curved Railing
- Custom Details for a Grade-Level Deck
- Add a Garden to the Deck With Planters
- Laying Out Deck Stair Railings
- Adding LED Lights to Deck Stair Risers
- Installing Low-Voltage LED Lighting
- Multi-Feature Curved Deck: Bending a PVC Plank
- Multi-Feature Curved Deck: Framing
- Applying Stain to a New Deck
- Building a Pergola: What You’ll Need
- Building Box-Style Stairs
- Annual Deck Maintenance
- Building and Installing a Site-Built Balustrade: Cutting the Posts and Rails