Deck Soffit / Ceiling
The under-deck patio ceiling is finished with Boral Channel Siding.
Adam and Max worked with Bruce to finish the underside of the deck with Boral TruExterior Channel Siding. The 5-in. exposure boards are blind nailed with stainless siding nails and face nailed along the exposed edge with stainless finish nails.
We used the same siding to finish the entry ceiling and the underside of the rear door roof. I learned those two small ceilings that square channel siding is hard to paint in place. Since we had about 500 sq. ft of ceiling area to cover it would save time to pre-finish the siding. Plus it was good cold-day work to paint inside the basement.
The guys set up a system — one guy cut in the lip of the siding with a brush, while the other rolled paint on the outer faces.
A couple days later Adam and Max fit the ceiling pieces around the deck columns and access panel hole. One guy with the siding nailer and the other with the finish nailer — they moved quickly along the ceiling.
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Great work...keep it up!